Welcome to Parowan Animal Assistance League (PAAL)

Welcome to our website

The Parowan Animal Shelter is a NO KILL facility which temporarily houses and cares for abandoned or lost animals. At the present time, the shelter only takes in dogs and space is limited.

PAAL is a non-profit organization staffed entirely by volunteers who are dedicated to the care of the dogs we take in.

Duties of our PAAL members include feeding and providing fresh water daily. We clean the runs and kennels. The most important thing we do is  provide comfort and attention for the frightened and confused animals.

We have had great success with several in our care with the efforts of all the volunteers working together. Since the shelter is meant to be temporary housing, PAAL works to adopt out or transfer to a rescue organization when an owner fails to claim a dog.

If you love animals and would like to volunteer in any capacity, contact PAAL!

Volunteer Form